In SQL Server, before a table column can be dropped, all constraints involving the column have to be dropped. The procedure below can be used to do that.
-- Drops all constraints that include the specified table column. -- Author: Christian d'Heureuse, create procedure dbo.DropAllColumnConstraints @tableName varchar(128), @columnName varchar(128) as
set nocount on set xact_abort on while 0=0 begin declare @constraintName varchar(128) set @constraintName = ( select top 1 constraint_name from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where table_name = @tableName and column_name = @columnName ) if @constraintName is null break exec ('alter table "'+@tableName+'" drop constraint "'+@constraintName+'"') end
Example of how to use the procedure:
exec DropAllColumnConstraints 'table1', 'column1'
Author: Christian d'Heureuse (,
License: Free / LGPL