CdSlurper is used for copying files from CD/DVD to disk. It waits for a CD/DVD to be inserted, copies the files from the CD/DVD to a disk directory, ejects the CD/DVD and waits for the next CD/DVD to be inserted.
Example of how to call the script:
cscript.exe /nologo CdSlurper.vbs D C:\temp
The first argument of the script (D) is the CD/DVD drive letter. The second argument (C:\temp) is the path of the target directory. An example batch file for calling the script is included in the ZIP file.
File for download:
' CdSlurper.vbs ' ' A script for bulk reading files from CDs/DVDs to disk. ' ' This script waits for a CD/DVD to be inserted, copies the files ' from the CD/DVD to a disk directory, ejects the CD/DVD and ' waits for the next CD/DVD to be inserted. ' ' Author: Christian d'Heureuse ( ' License: GNU/LGPL ( ' Version: 2009-01-20 Option Explicit Dim StdIn: Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn Dim StdOut: Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim sha: Set sha = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Dim CdDriveLetter Dim TargetDir Dim CdDrive Dim CdSerialNumber: CdSerialNumber = Null Dim CdVolumeName : CdVolumeName = Null Main Sub Main Init Do WaitForNewCd CopyCdFiles EjectCd Loop End Sub Sub Init GetParms Set CdDrive = fso.GetDrive(CdDriveLetter) If CdDrive.DriveType <> 4 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,, "Drive " & CdDriveLetter & ": is not a CD/DVD drive." End Sub Sub GetParms If WScript.Arguments.Length <> 2 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,, "Invalid number of command line arguments." CdDriveLetter = WScript.Arguments(0) If Len(CdDriveLetter) <> 1 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,, "Invalid drive letter argument." TargetDir = WScript.Arguments(1) End Sub Sub WaitForNewCd Do If DetectNewCd Then Exit Do StdOut.Write "." WScript.Sleep 1000 Loop StdOut.WriteLine End Sub Function DetectNewCd If Not CdDrive.IsReady Then Exit Function Dim NewSerialNumber: NewSerialNumber = CdDrive.SerialNumber Dim NewVolumeName: NewVolumeName = CdDrive.VolumeName if NewSerialNumber = CdSerialNumber And NewVolumeName = CdVolumeName Then Exit Function CdSerialNumber = NewSerialNumber CdVolumeName = NewVolumeName DetectNewCd = True End Function Sub CopyCdFiles Dim CdRoot: Set CdRoot = CdDrive.RootFolder If CdRoot.SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then _ StdOut.WriteLine "*** Warning: CD/DVD contains folders and they are ignored!": Beep Dim Files: Set Files = CdRoot.Files Dim File For Each File In Files Dim TargetFileName: TargetFileName = fso.BuildPath(TargetDir, File.Name) If fso.FileExists(TargetFileName) Then StdOut.WriteLine "*** Warning: File already exists in target directory: """ & File.Name & """": Beep Else StdOut.WriteLine File.Name File.Copy TargetFileName End If Next End Sub Sub EjectCd Dim ssfDrives: ssfDrives = 17 Dim Drive: Set Drive = sha.Namespace(ssfDrives).ParseName(CdDriveLetter & ":\") Drive.InvokeVerb("E&ject") End Sub Sub Beep StdOut.write chr(7) End Sub
Author: Christian d'Heureuse (,